Top 10 Best Website Speed Test Tools in 2022

Top 10 Best Website Speed Test Tools in 2022

You can speed up your web pages to benefit both visitors and search engines by using the best website speed test tools. The importance of website speed tests has grown in both marketing and online development.

10 Best Website Speed Test Tools in 2022

1. Google PageSpeed Insights

Google PageSpeed Insights is a free tool to test website speed. It provides a score based on several factors, such as how long it takes for your site to load, how many requests per second (RPS), and how much data is transferred during that time. The tool also gives suggestions on how to improve your site’s performance so that it loads faster and uses less bandwidth at the same time.

Google PageSpeed Insights works with any browser that supports HTML5 standards; however, there may be differences between different browsers when it comes down to page rendering times or RPS values displayed by various tools such as YSlow or WebPagetest which measure other aspects besides just loading speed alone

2. GTmetrix

GTmetrix is a website speed testing tool that’s free to use. You can use it to test the load time of your site or diagnose any problems with the way your site loads.

GTmetrix works with any website, so if you’re looking for a way to test how fast your next project will be, this may be the best option for you! It provides detailed information about each page load time, including:

3. Pingdom

Pingdom is a website speed test tool that works on all devices, and it’s also free. This means you can use it to test your website’s performance across the board, on both desktop and mobile devices.

Pingdom makes sure that your site loads quickly by testing how long it takes for pages to load in different browsers (including Firefox, Chrome, and Safari). It also shows you which parts of your site are slowing things down by displaying them in an interactive graphic interface with graphics showing where bandwidth might be being wasted—for example, images versus text blocks; CSS stylesheets versus JavaScript code; etcetera!

4. Website Speed Test by Dotcom-Tools

Dotcom-Tools are one of the most popular website speed test tools in 2022. The tool has been around since 2012, and it’s still going strong today.

The Dotcom-Tools Website Speed Test features:

  • A free version that allows you to view your website from multiple locations and devices; you can also test from different browsers or operating systems (Windows/Mac). This helps you determine which parts of your site are causing slow performance issues and where to focus more attention on improving load times for users.
  • A paid version that includes additional features like being able to run multiple tests per day, including mobile devices on both iOS and Android platforms; seeing how many users have visited each page at any given time during the last hour; seeing what type of device they’re using so that you know whether it’s old hat or fresh meat for new content creation efforts.”

5. DareBoost

Dareboost is a free website speed test tool that tests your site’s speed from multiple locations around the world. It will also give you a list of recommendations for improving your site’s speed.

DareBoost is an easy-to-use and reliable tool for checking the performance of your web pages on multiple devices, browsers, and operating systems. You can use it to analyze both mobile and desktop versions of websites in order to get an exact idea about how fast they load in real-life conditions (on smartphones or desktops).

6. WebPageTest

WebPageTest is a free web performance tool that helps you test your site’s speed, load time, and more through its easy-to-use interface. You can use it to:

  • Test your website’s load speed (speed of your pages as they appear on the screen).
  • Check if there are any issues with images or other files on your page. This will help you identify if there are broken images or links in your HTML code that could be affecting speed overall.

WebPageTest also allows you to compare two pages side by side so that you can see how one page compares against another when loading content from the same source (i.e., from Google Images). The results give both explicit counts of bytes received per second along with an estimate of what percentage of them were received within 100ms after clicking/loading each link (or image).

7. Sucuri Load Time Tester

Sucuri Load Time Tester is a free website speed test tool that allows you to measure the load time of your site and identify potential issues. It also provides recommendations on how to fix these issues, including both manual and automated solutions.

This tool was designed specifically for WordPress sites, but it can be used with any other content management system (CMS) as well. It tests both HTTP/HTTPS requests and SSL certificates to make sure that there are no problems with your connection between your server and visitor’s computer browser or mobile device before they even get started visiting your site!

8. KeyCDN Website Speed Test Tool

KeyCDN is a CDN service provider. It is a free website speed test tool that provides results based on multiple factors such as page load time, images and videos loaded on the page, etc., which can help you evaluate your site’s performance more accurately.

KeyCDN also has features like real-time monitoring of network health and uptime status, real data reporting to show how users’ experience has changed over time (e.g., page load times), analytics around what content consumers are viewing most often at any given moment (e.g., social media posts).

9. ScaleCDN Speed & Performance Test

ScaleCDN Speed & Performance Test is a cloud-based website speed test tool. It’s free, easy to use, and can be accessed from any device.

It has over 100 tests that measure your site’s performance in real-time based on Pingdom’s global infrastructure and other third-party data sources such as Google Analytics or Google PageSpeed Insights. The results are displayed visually through graphs so you can easily see where your website ranks compared to others in terms of load time, latency, and more! You can also compare this data with previous tests or compare across different locations if needed (e.g., different cities).

10. Monitis Full Page Load Time

Monitis Full Page Load Time is a free tool that allows you to test your website’s load time. It’s a browser-based tool, so it can be used on any device and browser (Chrome, Firefox, and Safari). You’ll get an idea of how long it takes for the full page to load.

Monitis Full Page Load Time gives you insight into how fast your site is loading pages from various parts of the site: from HTML to CSS, images/content management systems (CMS), etc., as well as where speed issues are occurring within these different components of your site.

This article lists the best website speed testing tools for 2021

A free tool that allows you to build customized reports based on your own website’s performance or page load times. It also provides white label reporting services, so if you need help with any aspect of managing a large website then check out above mentioned sites according to your requirements.

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